Since Ghana announced the lock down due to the spread of coronavirus pandemic, the Training Centre has been some kind of inactive for some few weeks now. Two days after the national announcement concerning this COVID 19, Aim was able to provide some needed materials such as hand sanitizers, liquid soaps, tissues, veronica buckets and what have you to be used by our students and teachers at the Training Centre for the fight against coronavirus. But due to the fear and panic people have for the COVID 19 pandemic, our student are not coming.

It is our hope that the World Health Organisation will soon haveĀ  cure for this virus to be able to live our normal life but still we should also remember to take all their (WHO) measures to fight against this virus seriously to win this pandemic together. yes together we can!

Please Note; Keep washing your hands, wear the face mask, keep the social distance, use hand sanitizers as often as you can and above all STAY AT HOME and also help the needy ONLY IF you can. thanks.

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