That’s how you support us!
At the moment all of the donations are used to finish our main project “Construction of a local training center”. But there are also possibilities to donate for specific projects of our partner organisation, admin tasks or the Youth work in Germany.
We are happy about every type of devotion!
Please transfer your donation to following donation account (German bank):
African Inf. Movement e.V.
Sparkasse Freiburg Ndl. Breisgau
Bank identifier code: 68050101
Account number: 13138471
IBAN: DE34 68 0501 0100 1313 8471
Purpose of use (for example): Donation educational work in Ghana

Donations within Ghana
You are also able to transfer your donation directly to our Ghanaian Barclays bank account. But please keep in mind:
We can’t give you a donation receipt for these transactions.
Recipient: African Information Movement e.V.
Country: Ghana, GH
Account number: 371026053
Bank: Barclays Bank of Ghana Ltd.
Adress: P.O. BOX 255
City: Cape Coast
Land: Ghana