Our second solar workshop with some people from Komenda.
Our second solar workshop with some people from Komenda.
The weekly ICT Training Workshop for the schools around has commenced once again. This week we had two schools visiting. The teachers took them through basic computer fundamentals. Most of…
This Wednesday, we got a surprised visit from Dr. Philip Spaeth, Associate Professor, Head of Research Group from the University of Freiburg, Germany to take us through some solar training…
Today marks the beginner of AIM. Solar workshop. This workshop is aimed at empowering the youth in K. E. E. A to have knowledge, know how, hands on experience, and the…
Aim movie project, started last four weeks from now. Total number of 27 from Aldersgate JHS. First day was an introduction day, getting to know each other. We then discussed…
After the short break, the Training Centre as part of it core mandate started running free ICT workshop to school pupils in Komenda. The Director of the Training Centre has…
We started this workshop on the 17th October 2017 at the Aim Training Centre, Komenda and we have had only four days’ workshops. The workshop involves a number of twenty…