Our week-5 training on the topic; Basic typing development using typing software-Mavis Beacon has started today 7:00 am at the training centre. watch out for more.......
Our week-5 training on the topic; Basic typing development using typing software-Mavis Beacon has started today 7:00 am at the training centre. watch out for more.......
The ICT workshop is in section from every monday to friday at 8:00am to 5:00pm, with ten new laptops purchased by AIM. Germany in addition to the old once at…
The first section of the basic solar workshop has ended successfully. The participants were taken through *some basics in electric circuit such as resistor, led, diode. *Full practical training on…
Our second solar workshop with some people from Komenda.
The weekly ICT Training Workshop for the schools around has commenced once again. This week we had two schools visiting. The teachers took them through basic computer fundamentals. Most of…
This Wednesday, we got a surprised visit from Dr. Philip Spaeth, Associate Professor, Head of Research Group from the University of Freiburg, Germany to take us through some solar training…
The Solar Workshop ended on a good note, although most of the participant wish it continues for a much longer period. Little breaking of bread went on from the side…
Today marks the beginner of AIM. Solar workshop. This workshop is aimed at empowering the youth in K. E. E. A to have knowledge, know how, hands on experience, and the…
Aim movie project, started last four weeks from now. Total number of 27 from Aldersgate JHS. First day was an introduction day, getting to know each other. We then discussed…